TRAINING CAMP 1 : Jalan Kp.Kramat No.222 RT.05 RW.004 Kel.Setu Kec.Cipayung Jakarta Timur
TRAINING CAMP 2 : Perumahan BPS Jl. Griya Statistik Raya No.2, Cilangkap, Kec. Tapos, DEPOK
This is featured post 1 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
This is featured post 2 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
This is featured post 3 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
This is featured post 4 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
This is featured post 5 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
This is featured post 6 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
This is featured post 7 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
This is featured post 8 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
This is featured post 9 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
This is featured post 10 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
This is featured post 11 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
This is featured post 12 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
This is featured post 13 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
This is featured post 14 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
This is featured post 15 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
This is featured post 16 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
This is featured post 17 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
This is featured post 18 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
This is featured post 19 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
This is featured post 20 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.
Posisi drafter pada pekerjaan sipil merupakan posisi yang vital karena bertugas untuk merencanakan dan memvisualisasikan kegiatan teknik ke dalam gambar. potensi untuk pekerjaan sebagai drafter sipil masih sangat terbuka lebar seiring semakin berkembangnya pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia.
1.Perencanaan Gambar Bangunan
2.Perencanaan gambar bangunan secara manual dan Komputer
3.Drafting Pondasi dan dinding penahan
4.Drafting Kolom dan balok beton bertulang
5.Konstruksi lantai dan dinding bangunan
6.Kusen dan Jendela
7.Konstruksi Plat dan Tangga
8.Konstruksi kuda-kuda, palfon dan Atap
Setelah mengikuti Training ini, Peserta diharapkan dapat :
1.Mengetahui dasar-dasar pembuatan suatu bangunan
2.Mengenal sistem kerja bangunan
3.Mengenal Proses pembuatan suatu bangunan
4.Membuat gambar kerja
Peserta training adalah semua sarjana teknik atau umum yang telah memiliki dasar gambar teknik dan sipil
Dede Rismunandar
Rp. 4.000.000,- (Pribadi)
Rp. 5.000.000,- (Company)
Training dilaksanakan Selama 8 Sesi @2.5Jam (total 25 Jam)
Dibuka Setiap awal Bulan dan pertengahan Bulan
Investasikan Waktu dan pikiran anda untuk hal yang lebih baik, dan jadikan ARTEC solusi kebutuhan peningkatan karir anda di masa yang akan datang,bergabunglah bersama kami dan ratusan alumni sukses kami
Jl. Griya Statistik Raya No.2,
Cilangkap, Kec. Tapos, Kota Depok,
Jawa Barat 16465
PRIVATE BASE CAMP JAKARTA TIMUR Jalan Kampung Kramat no.44 Kel.Setu Kec.Cipayung Jakarta Timur 13880
Bisa privat ke rumah anda atau lokasi yang disepakati bersama misal Cafe atau Mal
Untuk info dan pendaftaran : hubungi Muhammad Din,S.T. Call/SMS/WhatApps : 087888021432
Tenaga Pengajar adalah Sarjana lulusan universitas terkemuka yang berpengalaman bekerja di bidang perekayasaan di Industri Manufaktur,Power Plant dan Sipil Engineering dan pernah menangani proyek-proyek berskala besar
ARTEC dapat melakukan ujian sertifikasi resmi dari Autodesk ,Microsoft dan Adobe
Informasi Lowongan Pekerjaan baik secara langsung dari ARTEC maupun melalui Jaringan Alumni kami yang telah berjumlah ribuan siswa yang sudah tersebar di Perusahaan-perusahaan besar nasional maupun internasional
Bagaimanamemahami gambar kerja (shop drawing) secara benarsehingga menjadi bekal untuk Anda bekerja dan merancang desain arsitektur interior desain struktural mekanikal elektrikal.
Teknik atau rahasiamembuatgambar kerja dengan sangat cepatmenggunakan trik yang tepat.
Belajar cara untukmengsetting ketebalan garisdanmencetak gambar berskalasesuai dengan ukuran kertas.
Anda akan mendapatkankumpulan (library) obyek gambaruntuk mempermudah dalam melengkapi gambar kerja,contoh-contoh gambar kerja proyek (shop drawing)lengkap sebagai bahan referensi.
Bimbingan setelah lulus sampai benar-benar menguasai materi pelatihan dan penerapannya di dunia kerja
Bonus Modul, Video Tutorial dan Ebook
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